at church on sunday
the pastor shared a lesson
based around these beautiful words
spoken by Mother Teresa of Calcutta.
my heart was so touched by these simple words
and how true they are.
in this crazy world
of bigger, better, faster, more...
we may never experience
that supreme moment of greatness
recognized success
public acknowledgement.
we many not
have a gazillion readers
and comments on our blogs,
win the contests we submit too.
in fact, the truth it
most of us will not.
most of us
will continue on
day to day
not winning awards
or being lauded publicly for our great deeds.
we do have a choice though...
a choice to live our lives
with grace and love.
to make each and every moment
our own piece of success.
the smile you give
to the sales clerk that was extra grumpy with you
might be the loneliest person in the world.
the car you let pass in front of you
even while they are honking
might be rushing to a sick child.
the kind word you share
to the school yard bully
might be the only kind word
they have heard all day.
don't get me wrong...
success, acknowledgement, awards...
they are wonderful!
but if you think for one moment,
that the tiny things you do
and ways you share love
each and every day
don't matter...
how wrong you are.
in conversations with my mama of late,
i have commented to her
how ironic it is
that while i am experiencing some very difficult
and challenging times of late,
i also have some of the most amazing
and unexpected wonderful things happening.
in moments of sadness,
i have received simple emails
with words of kindness
that have changed my day.
while struggling through
my own personal journey,
i have chosen to share my experiences
in the hopes that maybe just one person
out there who is experiencing something similar,
knows that they are not alone.
dear sweet friends,
each and every thing we do,
every tiny piece of love we share
has the power to change the world.
i hope you'll go out today
and pay attention to what small things
you can do with great love.
p.s. if you click on the quote graphic above, i created it in an 8 1/2 x 11 size, so you can easily print it out to use in your artwork or post on your bulletin board for a lovely reminder. xoxo
Such a beautiful reminder, if I do all things with great love, I just know God will make the small things what He wants them to be. Thank you for the artwork, too.
Posted by: Heidi Woodruff | May 10, 2011 at 12:42 PM
This was exactly what I needed to hear today. Thank you so much for your words! :)
Posted by: Kelly | May 16, 2011 at 10:19 PM